Sunday, February 28, 2010

I had a nice visit/lunch with Ann and Larry Ames today. It was nice to catch each other up on our kids/grandkids.

According to Chuck Milhuff: If you need a miracle there ae three simple steps.
1. View God as your source. Change from looking horizontally to looking vertically. Go to the main man.
2. Give to get. (Plant to grow.) It is a natural law. Look at what a kernel of corn does when planted.
3. Expect a miracle.

The Dove Brothers were excellent last night and Spoken 4 was good tonight.

Have a nice day and remember that spring is just around the corner!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

What a surprise I got tonight! I went to the restroom before the concert and as I was going back to my seat I heard someone call my name. I looked and it was Ann Ames. She and Larry have been in Florida for a couple of weeks. We are going to go to lunch tomorrow after church I think. They are the first people I have seen here that I knew that I wasn't expecting to see. It's sort of funny because there is a lady that I've seen both in Lakeland and in Bradenton who always remembers my name. Whenever she sees me she always says, "Hello, Linda." Usually I don't even know she's around until I hear her. When I heard my name I assumed it was her and was really surprised to see Ann.

There are 4 religious facts.
1. Moslems do not recognize that Jews worship the true God.
2. Jews do not recognize Jesus is God's son.
3. Protestants do not recognize the pope as the head of the church.
4. Baptists do not recognize other baptists at Hooters!

Pastor always has to have a joke to tell on Saturday nights and Sunday nights. I thought this one was pretty good. (Plus I haven't forgotten it yet!)

Have a good Lord's day. Spring is just around the corner. I keep mentioning that so that it will be here by the time I get home!

Friday, February 26, 2010

There is no way that I can possibly live long enough to like one of the southern customs I have encountered here. I can possibly get used to all of the honey, sweetie, etc. from wait staff in restaurants. But today just about did it when a waiter (male, of course) called me "darlin!"

Now the one I will never like is one that happens often at church. One elderly lady thinks it's her job to manage to kiss my forehead every time she sees me. She reminds me of Josie Kessler in every way except this habit of hers. I almost want to run every time I see her. I though I was home free Wednesday night when she was sitting in the row behind me. Wrong!

Today I went to a different lake and it is really nice. I had seen it before but couldn't find a place to park. Today I discovered parking is allowed on the street. At one point I counted 47 swans, two of which were black. The lake is too big for me to see all of them at once. Later I saw two that were gray. There are also geese, ducks, and three other kinds of birds that I'm not familiar with. Some of the swans from time to time would fluff up their wings and were really pretty. Sometimes one of them would show either some feathers that were black tipped or else they had their feet up while they were floating about. Google says their feathers are all white, so it was probably their feet.

There was also a duck that appeared to be setting. I also saw a black duck with a little white on its head. It was limping. The other 3 types of birds I'm unfamiliar with, but there are certainly a lot of them.

Now you have today's report on wildlife and frustration. I did put my name on the list for next year at the Florida Holiness Campground and I am number 35 on the list. It would be nice to be there I think because it is sort of like Shady Lodge except you are supposed to be a Christian to live there. There are some people there this year who were number 35 on the list last year. Of course you must realize that about the only way people give up their spot is by illness or death!

Have a nice day. Spring is coming!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Okay for the answer to the Jeopardy question. The non-human one of the 50 best actors of the American Film Institute is, of course, the one I thought immediately when I saw it. It's Lassie!

The couple at church who's house was in danger of sinking were elated on Sunday. The county has decided to pour cement into some of the sink holes to stop their spread so they think their house will survive.

Today I went to a different Golden Corral. It had a special of $4.99 including drink for seniors from 1:30 until 3:30. I was talking to a couple behind me in line and found out they are from Cedar Rapids. They invited me look at their apartment, so I did. It is MUCH cheaper than what I am paying. I know another lady who lives there in a dormitory. I'm going to call the office tomorrow and get some more information and see about putting my name on the list for next year. If they have any available for March of this year I'll check into that too. I really don't like paying so much for this. I'd have to bring more stuff next year, but for the difference in price I could do that.

They introduced me to several people, including a couple who knows the Kimes that lived near Ryan and Melinda in Oskaloosa. His name is Cornie Bender and at first I though he said Cornie Boender. It is 7 miles farther to church from there than from here. But the price diffence is huge!

Have a nice day and enjoy the 7 days you are supposed to have without snow.

Monday, February 22, 2010

It must be time to blog again. Sunday I saw 2 Polk County Deputies pushing a stalled car while the driver steered it. I don't recall ever seeing that before. Of course it was on a 7 or 8 lane road.

Today I saw a car here in Polk County, Florida with plates on it from Polk County, Iowa. That is the second car I've seen with Iowa plates since the girls left Florida except for Phyllis'.

I'm still working on a place to stay that is less money than where I am now. However, everyplace else seems to be just as high or higher. I'm just as well off here where I don't have to clean or wash linens. One person suggested I find someone to come with me next year since most of the places are at least 2 bedroom and two bathrooms.

Since I started this entry I have talked to a man about renting a trailer that would be quite a bit less than this, but I'd have to get some sort of a wireless provider. I'll have to do some checking on that. I told him I'd check around and call him back tomorrow sometime. It's sort of an upscale place and he said I could have it from now until the end of March for the price of one month.

Mark Trammel spoke last night as well as his quartet singing. He is a really good speaker as well as singer. Saturday night it was Triumphant and they are always good too.

Well I better quit so I can watch some more olympics. Have a fun day and enjoy things in Iceland.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I'm shocked while watching Jeopardy tonight. The returning champion's last name is Shrago, and he answered either 3 or 4 questions as answers, NOT questions! So far, it is time for the final jeopardy question and they haven't said anything about it. Usually if something gets by, they correct it. (Later) Well they never did say anything about it, but he got beat in the final round. Of the top 50 actors on the American Film Institutes list, only one was not a person. Who was it? See tomorrow's post for the answer. E-mail me your answer or call me with it so noone will read it on the blog.

Today I went to see Clearwater beach. What I could see of it was very pretty. However, it is all either hotel/motel owned or you have to pay to park and then walk quite a ways. You can't sit in the car and look at the water because there are fences! What a rip-off!

I forgot to tell about what happened before the concert Sunday night. The grandson of one of the ushers and his family were. He is 13 and recited (very dramatically) the entire book of James! He has an extreme gift! His mother sat on the front row with a copy to prompt him, but he never hesitated at any time. It was phenomenal!

In my travels today I saw several billboards advertising attorneys regarding sinkholes and also insurance for sinkholes! The one exit to Plant City has been closed for at least 2 weeks to repair one.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Last night it was the Perry's and they were very good. I really like Libby. She's been singing with the group 39 years and is 4 feet, 8 inches tall. That's shorter than Mom was. Her brother is about my heighth. Their piano player is extremely amazing. I would think his forearms and hands would hurt terribly. They really fly fast!

This morning at church pastor Kirby was telling about a couple in the congregation who live in Plant City. Their neighbor's house has already fallen into a sinkhole and the walls in their's have cracked. To make it worse, they both have the flu. They were asking for prayer that their house wouldn't fall too. I guess these sinkholes are quite common every year and at various times of the year.

Have a nice day!

Friday, February 12, 2010

This morning at Breakfast Club I saw the Weatherfords for the first time. They were good. So were the donuts, coffee, and OJ! So, I'm wondering. Does anyone read this or should I just be keeping a diary? There are almost never any comments.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I forgot to mention that Amoury has never seen snow! His daughter went to Ohio to visit a college friend last year and they had snow on the ground so she got to see it. However she had wanted to see it coming down. It's hard to believe that someone in this country has never even seen snow! He doesn't have an accent, so I assume he was probably born here.

Have a nice day!
Not much news here now. I have fouind out that these sink holes are quite common here all the time, not just when they use a lot of water to avoid freezing fruit. One man was telling me that one of the lakes here in Lakeland got a sinkhole under it a few years ago and lost most of it's water. He says it's coming back slowly. I'm going to go look at it sometime.

This morning I got new plugs and wires and a new serpentine belt and a new motor for the driver's window. I could possibly have gotten along without them until I got home, but now I don't have to think about having a problem with them. Funny thing, a private garage did it all for what Pep Boys wanted for the plugs, wires, and belt! Both estimates included labor. The man who did it is named Amaury Rivera. I don't know if he's related to Geraldo or not! Probably not.

So far I haven't found a place to stay next year that would be cheaper than a motel, but I'll keep looking. I'd even do something different this year if I could find something. I'm tired of moving from place to place and carrying and carrying!

It's supposed to rain and be cold and windy tomorrow. High in the low 50's. Sound cold to you? If you haven't heard, the government being closed down for snow costs us $100,000,000 per day! Yes, that's $100 Million. Have a nice day!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Today was moving day. This afternoon about 3 I went to Golden Corral since the orange I had for breakfast was all gone.

It is so interesting to see people who remind me of other people I know. One day at the beach I saw "Leonard and Rhea Pearl." At Golden Corral today my waitress was another of those experiences. If I didn't know that she had only given birth to boys I would have sworn that the waitress was Benita's daughter. She looked like her, sounded like her, and even acted like her. How unusual!

I don't think I'll be going to any concerts until Friday morning now and then Saturday and Sunday nights. I'm going to check in to doing some activities at Lake Gibson Church of the Nazarene this week too. I really like Lakeland and would like to find a place to stay here next year other than a motel.

Enjoy Iceland!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Good news! All the motels raised their rates $10/day the first of February! That's another $300 per month. Sorry kids!
I keep forgetting to mention that the last time I needed cash I got it at the Third Fifth Bank. What a name! It would be interesting to learn the story about it's name.

Today I had lunch with Ila, Phyllis, and Margaret. It was neat to see someone I actually know. However, I do feel like I know people at the Lake Gibson Church of the Nazarene in Lakeland. I really like it. This week I'm hoping to participate in some of their regular activities. I'm also going to do some investigating in Lakeland about housing for next year on a longer term basis.

Tomorrow after I get to Lakeland or Wednesday, I have to take my van to a mechanic that a man told me about. Pepboys seemed to think I needed $500 worth of repairs, so I'm going to see what an honest person thinks. Not that Pepboys aren't honest, but they told me there was a $13 rebate and when I got the form for it, it was expired! Do I plan to go to Pepboys for an oil change again? No!

I hear you are getting more snow in Iowa. It must be pretty dry there to need as much as there has been! Have a nice day.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Last night it was the Perry's, Inspirations, Mark Trammel Trio, Whisnants, and Nelons. In the afternoon it was the Pickerings and Larry Ford. I could do without the Pickerings and the Freemans. As of Thursday it will be the Mark Trammel Quartet. The Dixie Echoes' bass is joining them.

Today I did laundry and saw the Isaacs tonight. They are very bluegrass, but not twangy. There is a really neat little restaurant here called Friendly's that has free sundaes for seniors if you order off the senior menu. I know some people who would like that!

Have a nice day! I see there is another winter storm warning for Mahaska County.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Not much time so this will be short. Thursday night and Friday night were both good. Yesterday afternoon there was one group I could have done without, and so could some others that I talked to.

This afternoon I'll hear two groups I haven't seen in person before and tonight, being the last night, I'm sure will be good.

The Brown girl has been to culinary school and she did the dessert luncheon on Wednesday and also the luncheon on Thursday. All the Browns served it.

A highlight Thursday was seeing 4 people from Iowa!

More later. Have a good day/night. I'm doing this at 8:25 AM. We'll see what time it shows on the post.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I forgot to tell you about Taranda's shoes last night. They were silver metalic platform heels. But they also had a band about 3 inches wide that went loosely around each ankle. Quite unique!

Also I forgot to tell you that the chapel yesterday had Randy Perry and his wife. I'm sure he is shorter than I am! Of course so is Libby. Today chapel was Jerry and Jan Goff and they were good too.

At noon they had a dessert buffet in honor of the Blackwoods, particularly James. It was 8 years ago today that he went to heaven. Last year they honored Polly Perry. The Blackwood quartet was greeting people at the door and I told Jimmie this story. I don't know if I've told it to you or not. After Dad died I just wasn't sure if I'd ever be able to go to another Southern Gospel concert or not, but the Blackwoods were at Berean AG in Pleasant Hill in late March or early April and I decided to try it. That was when I found out I could do it and it really meant a lot to me.

After everyone was through the receiving line they had a few people say things about the Blackwoods and Jimmie spoke too. He was telling about how funny his dad was off stage and at home. He also told about a little lady from Iowa who told him today about going to a concert after her husband had died and how it had helped her! That's what it's all about. Since it was the anniversary of James going to heaven it was hard for him to talk about it. I saw a side of him I hadn't seen before. Very strong and sincere Christian.

This afternoon the matinee had the Blackwoods and the Dixie Echos. They each sang separately for 45 minutes or so and then they sang together. It was a vintage quartet special so they just sang around two big mikes like they used to use. Recently the Blackwoods baritone/piano player decided to go solo so they had to find new ones. The baritone is Jimmie's younger brother, Billie, and he is good and sort of a clown. He is very short and the bass singer is about 6 or 8 inches taller than him, so they had a game of moving their mike up and down. They had a guy playing piano for them just today that I'm guessing may stay with them. Of course Stuart Varnado was with the Dixie Echos.

The Brown's served the buffet so I talked to them a little. Tonight it's Gold City, Jeff and Sheri Easter, Blackwood Brothers, and the Browns. Jeff and Sheri are going to have a 16 year old guy with them that has been with Bill Gaither lately that is supposed to be very good.

Have a nice day and stay warm!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Proclaimers that I saw on Sunday night were fair, but okay.

Monday morning I got the oil changed in the van at Pepboys. They came out with over $500 worth of things that needed to be done to it. I didn't do any of them. Let's see, here's a lady alone with license plates from far away. We wonder if she's gullible. Even before that I had observed that they were both show-offs. I am watching for someone at a concert that might look at it for me.

On the way from Lakeland to Bradenton Monday I had to stop at Plant City again. I was almost out of strawberries. As a matter of fact, I'm eating the last of them as I write this. Sure glad I got more.

Let's see. Monday evening I saw the Hoppers, the Dove Brothers, the Chuck Wagon Gang and the Diplomats. All of them were good, but of course the Hoppers were the best. It was 11:30 when I got back to the motel so I didn't bother with the internet.

Then this morning I left at a little before 8 to go to the convention center. I had donuts, coffee, and juice at 9 and went to chapel at 10. Then I went to the matinee at 1:30. The Proclaimers were there and they were better than they were Sunday night in Lakeland. Also Aaron Wilburn was there and he is really funny. I saw a lady today wearing a hat and one with a RIBBON in her hair. I've visited with a lot of very nice people.

Yesterday I talked to Dena Ward and she told me that her only living child, Norene has lung cancer. She found out just before Christmas. It doesn't sound too good. She's been having chemo and her daughter who lives in Alaska came for Christmas and is still here. Dena said Norene can get around the house a little with a wheel chair. She's extremely weak. She'd had a lot of pain in her shoulder and chest. Finally she got very painful bloodclots in her legs and they found out from that that she had the cancer. Dena went to the hospital in the middle of the night with chest pain. A friend of hers took her. They thought it was her heart, but it turned out to be a panic attack so she has decided she can't let Norene's cancer get to her to much.

Tonight I saw The Kingsmen, Ivan Parker, The Greenes, and The Dixie Echoes. The Greenes were the best. Taranda sang in December for the United Nations and had a lot of diplomats in tears. She sang O Holy Night there and tonight and it was exceptionally good. I don't think she could stand still if her life depended on it! Tony look very good. She gave him one of her kidneys in August. They said it was a near a perfect match as if they had been identical twins. For those of you who don't know, they are husband and wife.

Their daughters sang tonight too. They are 4 years and 19 months old and they sang "I am a Possibility." It was pretty cute. It's almost 12:30, so I'm going to quit for tonight.