Monday, March 22, 2010

As Ila says, blogging sometimes gets to be a drag. Friday morning I saw McMillan and Life for the first time. She used to be with the Lesters and I don't remember who the men used to be with. They were good. Along with them the program included Geraldine and Ricky. They were hilarious as usual. (Ricky is a dumby.)

Saturday night it was Great Vision and they were good as usual. Then last night I saw N'Harmony and they were good. I was quite surprised when the bass singer was introduced as Will Van Wyngarden from Pella, Iowa! That's where he lives yet. I talked to him after the concert and found out that he grew up on a farm south of Peoria in Mahaska County. He asked if the van he saw in the parking lot with Mahaska County plates was mine and, of course, it was. He said when they drove in and he saw it he was extremely surprised. His great grandfather immigrated from Holland to Pella about the same time as my grandfather immigrated from Holland to Pella.

I plan to leave here either Friday noon, or Saturday morning and be home the following Wednesday or Thursday. I'm going to see Bill and Carolyn Allison in Georgia and Chris Fiscus in Tennessee and stop and get some new shoes in Missouri. I may also see the Tooley's if I can get hold of them and they are free.

Get it warmed up for me and get rid of all the snow! Oh, yes, I'm freezing some strawberries to bring home for strawberry shortcake on work day.


  1. Will probably told you that Warren, who sings with Journey Bound is his dad? They were supposed to be coming to Pella for a concert w/JourneyBound but had to cancel that for now because of conflict for some of the guys. Have a safe trip home! Will pray!

  2. No he didn't mention that, but I talked to him at the table and it was sort of busy. N'Harmony was a group a few years ago and they disbanded and the leader sang with Signature Sound. A couple of years ago they started up again. I don't think they do a lot of dates yet.
