Monday, December 9, 2013

It's time to blog again.  I'm going to tell about some friends from church this time.  Ron and Monica moved here a few years ago from Michigan.  He does a lot of solos and groups with the choir.  She subs on the keyboards and teaches a Sunday School class.  His sister will bring his mother down here for the winter soon.  His mother is quite dependent but really loves to be here.  She has to have someone with her at all times and uses a wheel chair or walker.  She even has had to have help in the bathroom for the past couple years and uses oxygen all the time.  Monica is a dietician and I don't know what he does.  When they decided to move south he wanted to live close enough to go to Lake Gibson Church.    It's amazing how many people locate here because of the church. 

Roney and Jean  are retired and are here half the year and in North Carolina half the year.  I've been friends with them almost since I've been coming here.  He is retired from pastoring and prior to that he was an accountant with the North Carolina auditor's office, or he was the state auditor.  I'm not sure which.  They both are very short.  She is very neat and usually wears a suit of some sort on Sunday mornings.  She worked for an insurance company with the words Woodsmen of America in it.  I don't remember the rest of it's name.  It's the second marriage for both of them.  Their first spouses both died. 

The choir is so good here and they look good.  On Sunday mornings, all the men wear suits and the ladies are dressed up nicely.  This Saturday night is their Christmas musical at 5:00 Central Time.  It will be streamed live at    They will all be dressed in black concert attire and the platform will be very decorated.  The director reminds me of Bill Green.

Carl is an usher and has a bad limp caused by a stroke.  His wife is also an usher.  I don't know her name.  He is extremely outgoing and jokes a lot.  He always insists that I be first in line because I drive into the parking lot first.  I asked him what he is retired from and found out that he was a contractor and traveled all over the Unites States, Canada, Virgin Isles, etc.  putting fiber optics together.

Dorothy is also an usher and is always finely dressed.    She also is very friendly and has a little dog and lives by herself.  She has a daughter who lives somewhere in the north. 

Some of you who have been Nazarene's a long time will probably remember this man.  Saturday night I asked Jean if she knew his name and she said all she could remember right then was that his first name was Chuck.  He has always looked very familiar to me and I didn't know why.  All at once I figured it out and asked her if he is Chuck Milhuff, and I was right.  He came to Oskaloosa to speak for revival at least once when Pastor Bearden was there and it seems like he was there more than once.  This is his home church now. 

I think I better call it quits for now.  I just about lost the whole thing!  Tomorrow night we will be singing carols and eating a bunch of junk at the dining hall.  Our building has to take foods for the chocolate fountain.  But today we found out they don't have a fountain and they thought we could use a small fondue pot!  We found an appliance that has three "slow cookers" that we are going to use.  We have marshmallows, pineapple, strawberries, and pretzels to use with it.  People in other buildings will bring sandwiches, cookies, candy, and chips and dip. 

Last Tuesday evening our host and hostess got a call that their 13 year old grandson had been shot in the head.  They are in Huntsville, Alabama now.  He died and his funeral was Saturday.  Elmo's sister died in the Toronto area and he went there today for her funeral.  He'll come home frozen tomorrow!  He usually leads our singing at Monday night prayer and praise time so we had to punt tonight. 

Have a good day/evening.  I hope I'm not too boring!